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Recent Letters Sent Home

This section will not include sport match letters or tournament letters as the information within can change (times, venue, cancellations etc.) and we feel this could be misleading.  Most sport events are by invitation only.  Please enquire at the office for clarification on sporting events.

Leave of Absence Request Form (pupils)  - please click here


July 2024

Whole School - Parent Survey results re The School Day and The School Motto

Parent Survey Pie Chart

PSA School Discos on 18th July   plus Poster with timings

June 2024

Year 4 - Forensic Science Day on 11th July

Whole School - Sports Day    and   Clarification of Lunch Time and Timings

Predicated Rain on 5th July Letter

Year 5 - Camp Out Kit List     and   Camp Out email re Medicines

Year 4 - SRE lessons in term 6

Year 5 - Camp Out meeting on 17th June

Year 5 - Meeting with Class Teacher re Secondary School

Year 5 - RSE for term 6, 2024

May 2024

Year 2 - Hever Castle trip on 17th June

Year 3 - Kent Life trip on 11th June

Year 1 - Kent Life trip on 11th June

KS2 - Pop Choir Club only - Singing Festival at Assembly Halls on 11th June

Year 5 - Kent Test information

April 2024

Year 1 - Parent Consultations Letter for May 2024

Nursery - Amazing Animal World visit on 15th May

Reception - Amazing Animal World visit on 15th May

Whole School - Mini London Marathon being held at school

Year 4 - Forest School Information for Term 5

Year 3 - Swimming Lesson letter for Terms 5 & 6

KS2 - Luca Multi Sports Club Letter for Term 5

Year 6 - The Lancaster Model Questionnaire for Y6 - 23rd May

Year 4 & Year 5 - Tunbridge Wells Literacy Festival on 9th May

Year 3 & 4 - Coding Club in terms 5 & 6

Year 1 - Coffee morning in the library on Wednesday, 17th April with Headteacher

March 2024

KS2 - Cookery Club information for Term 5, 2024

Whole School - Rescheduled Class Photos - 27th March

Reception, Years 2 to 6 - March 2024 Parent Consultations

Whole School - PSA Raisin' funds poster - event on 28th March

Whole School - Class Photos on 14th March

Year 5 - Survival Camp Out - July 2024


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