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Music has the power to bring people together!

Music is an integral part of Bishops Down and we really believe that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas. At Bishops Down we offer a variety of musical opportunities…over the years our children have learnt during music leasson time the steel pans, recorders, ukeles, ocarinas and glockenspiels.

In addition to musical instruments our children also get the opportunity to be part of perhaps Orchestra and/or Choir / Singing club.

Also, during the course of the school year all years will be given the opportunity to perform to a wider audience, the EYFS and KS1 have the opportunity to shine at Christmas, years 3 and 4 at the end of the Spring Term and Years 5 and 6 during the Summer Terms.

Due to the Creative Curriculum all classes have the opportunity to tailor their music according to their topics, for example Tudor Fanfares, Seaside soundscapes and creating film scores.



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