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Information and Useful Links


The school is affiliated to the British Heart Foundation's Schools Heartstart Programme which introduces age appropriate emergency life support skills to the children.

Health Protection Agency

The Health Protection Agency:  provides guidance on infection control to schools and recommend the period of time a child should be kept away from school, nursery or other child care setting, to prevent the spread of contageous diseases. If your child has a rash, skin infection, diarrhoea or vomiting illness, respiratory or other infection and you are not sure when your child should return to school, the link below will provide this information, if you need further advice please contact your GP.


Head lice are a common problem particularly in the younger age groups. Head lice although a nuisance and cause the scalp to become very itchy, do not pose a health problem. We ask that you inform the school if your child has become affected so that the rest of the class can be  notified (no names will be disclosed) and an information leaflet sent home. Please ensure your child is treated before they return to school the next day. Weekly detection of headlice for all children, using lots of conditioner on wet hair and combing carefully with a nit comb is recommended to break the cycle of infection and reinfection. If lice are detected then wet combing every few days will help to remove immature lice before they can lay more eggs. If you prefer to use a chemical treatment to eradicate the lice a pharmacist will be able to advise you on products available. Further information can be found at this site:

General Health Advice

The site provides a wide range of information not just about health but other services that may be available. The following link directs you to areas of the site relating to health and safety of children and provides other links to information about healthy eating, checking that your child is a healthy weight, immunisations,encouraging healthy lifestyle and exercise in children and much more.


Website by ib3
